Runestone U 35
Ekerö municipality
Most beautiful runestone in Ekerö

The absolutely most beautiful runestone in Ekerö municipality is located on Färingsö, close to Svartsjö castle. 

It is very big and impressive because it is 3 meters tall and 2 meters wide. It is carved on very thin granite, alarmingly thin.

To make an even bigger impression on the beholder it is placed on a hill. That means whatever you do you have to “look up to” this rune stone.

The rune stone is not signed but the carver was an experienced artist who was brave, lazy and playful. He gave the two rune animals a fantastic sense of life when he let them trot across the stone. 

But, what are they doing, playing, hunting or perhaps flirting?

Updated 16 augusti, 2016 by Kalle Runristare 
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